An agreement has been reached with LAMB Hospital in which CED provide engineering services to address a variety of challenges that they face.
LAMB Hospital is located in north west Bangladesh. Their aim “is to provide accessible, high quality services at a sustainable and appropriate level for this context”.

CED’s involvement with LAMB started last summer: CED supported two students on Cranfield University’s Water and Sanitation for Development MSc course to carry out their thesis research at the hospital. The photo shows one of the students sampling waste from a septic tank!
This year, two more students will be sponsored by CED to travel to LAMB to complete academic research. The students will be assessing the feasibility of implementing an anaerobic digester to treat waste and generate beneficial outputs in the form of fertiliser and gas for cooking. A win-win solution!
CED will also be supporting a variety of other ongoing engineering studies and investigations at LAMB Hospital. This project fulfils one of CED’s key aims, which is to use our skills and experience to help the world’s poorest people overseas.