
CED Northern Area Cell meets in Leeds

CED members and supporters come from all parts of the UK and abroad. In order to keep as many as possible informed and involved regional cell-groups and Country interest cell-groups have been established within the UK. We have groups in Scotland, Northern England and London which are open to any member or supporter who is within travelling distance.

Eight people from the Northern Area Cell met at Moortown Baptist Church, Leeds, on Saturday 12th October. 

The meeting started with informative personal introductions and then we heard reports and had discussions on projects with which members were involved. 

Projects included:

  • The provision of a sustainable water supply to a Bible Seminary in the state of Kerala, South India.
  • Feedback on the recent investigations into proposals for the improvement of the disposal of waste water, which was carried out by students from Cranfield, at LAMB Hospital in Bangladesh.
  • A number of projects in Uganda:
    • The completion of Rwentamu valley tank to store rainy season water for the dry season;
    • The initial investigation at Kikatsi, which is the site of a further valley tank;
    • The investigations into help for Kayenje Primary school involving improvement of rainwater harvesting;
    • The Smile Charity Projects (Kampala) for the provision of improved water supply for medical centres and proposed recreation/conference centre and the Bana Pads project (near Kampala) for improved water supply. 
  • The topic of Global Warming was raised and the question posed “What should be CED’s response?”  No detailed response to this question was proposed with the possibility of discussion at future Board and Regional meetings.

One member has been sending “soil ph testing” equipment to East Africa for a period of time. The testing equipment is used by agriculturists/farmers to check the ph value of their soil, either to improve it or ascertain the types of crops it would best support.  Advice was sought on how to raise money to continue the supply of this equipment.

Members and supporters in the Northern Cell Area are encouraged to attend these six-monthly meetings.  Venue and date of next meeting will be published on the website in due course.

To find out more, contact us…

Posted on 24 October 2019