CED is proud to be a member of Scotland’s International Development Alliance. The Alliance has recently published a report that maps their members’ contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
‘Working towards the Global Goals’ demonstrates the impact and commitment made by the international development sector in Scotland. Over 120 organisations are working on projects in more than 100 countries – these contribute to all 17 SDGs. You can read the report here.
CED’s own contribution towards SDG6 ‘Clean Water and Sanitation’ is highlighted on page 18: SDG6 aims to ‘Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’. The text box summarises the article.
The Majahida Project
Majahida Bible College in Bariadi in Tanzania had been without water for six years after the old shallow well ran dry. Christian Engineers in Development contributed towards achieving access to safe and affordable drinking water through the installation of a new borehole and submersible water pump at the college. More than 300 students, staff and members of the local community are now benefiting from the new water supply. The scheme was funded by churches, individuals and CED’s own funds.

It is good for CED to be recognised in this important publication. CED is very thankful to be able to join other organisations in Scotland and the wider UK who are helping to transform the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people through the SDGs.