Even in Tanzania it rains.
People do their best to collect rainwater but it’s usually dirty in puddles and ponds by the time it’s collected. Poorer people can only afford basins to collect rainwater. Even middle-class people struggle to build tanks big enough to last more than a few days. Plastic tanks are expensive and don’t last terribly long.
CED is therefore engaged in promoting cement tanks that have two big advantages. They are cheaper, stronger, cleaner and longer lasting compared to plastic tanks. But, crucially, cement tanks invest in the local community, providing new skills and local employment.
CED’s latest tank construction course will take advantage of local Tanzanian trainers and a community keen to learn new skills. At the start of November three trainers: Leonard, Sweetbat and Beatrice, will travel across Tanzania from Kagera to conduct a new training programme at Pande. All three attended CED’s last rainwater harvesting course at Kagera in February 2020.
Leonard Sweetbat, Beatrice and Joyce Pande
Leonard Safari from the Anglican Diocese of Kagera will lead the training. He has a university qualification in community development. Beatrice is another university graduate who is currently volunteering for the Anglican Church. Sweetbat is an experienced mason who has worked with reinforced concrete as well as brickwork and blockwork.
CED’s partners the Africa Inland Church in Tanzania (AICT) in Pande will organise the training course run at the local church school. They have a few classrooms at the school and are building more. There are therefore several buildings that will allow our partners to benefit from the new tanks. The course will also train local people and reduce the cost of their ongoing building programme.