CED is working with CAM International to restore a much-needed renewable energy source for Lwamba Hospital in south-eastern DR Congo.

The hospital is a training hospital with medical students and 37 staff. It has been instrumental in changing lives, treating over 7,000 patients in the last year. People come from up to 200 miles away to seek medical care. There are 67 beds over all the departments, including maternity and paediatrics.
For much of the year, the road from Lubumbashi to Lwamba Hospital, a distance of about 640 km, is impassable due to the rains. Without a regular air service, this makes Lwamba Hospital a remote place to visit.
What a difference pico-hydro makes

Approximately 25 years ago a ‘pico-hydro’ turbine system was installed by CAM in Lwamba, providing fresh drinking water to the village and clean, renewable electricity for the hospital. For a hospital in the middle of the bush, this resource has been invaluable.
The system has been well maintained but, over time, wear and tear means that it needs upgrading. With the construction of the new hospital block underway, the system could do with being enlarged to accommodate increased demand, especially for the electrical equipment needed in an operating theatre.
CED working with CAM on a replacement
Early in 2021 Paul Stephenson, a trustee of CAM, was put in touch with Christian Engineers in Development (CED) who agreed to work with CAM to recommend and specify a suitable replacement. CAM also asked CED to source a solar powered vaccine fridge without battery. CED have done this work free of charge, for which CAM is very grateful.
In addition, CED will prepare written installation and operation guidance for Paul Stephenson and Nick Delport who have plan to carry out the procurement and installation of the new equipment in 2022 provided it is safe to travel.
What is needed
CAM International need a budget of around £60,000 in order to construct the new hospital block and procure, import and install the new pico-hydro and mini-grid equipment. They need a further £10,000 for new solar powered vaccine fridges.
Support this appeal
If you would like to support these ventures financially, you can do so in a number of ways:
Alternatively, you can:
- Give quickly and easily using a credit or debit card or using your Stewardship giving account.
- Call the CAM International Preston office on 01772 717830 and give using your credit or debit card, advising that the donation is for the Lwamba Hospital Appeal.
- Send a cheque to the office at 355 Blackpool Road, Preston, PR2 3AB
- Pay by BACS into the CAM International bank account. Account number: 65874844; Sort code: 08-92-99 with the reference LWAMBA APPEAL.
Gift Aid it
If you are a UK taxpayer, don’t forget your giving could be increased through Gift Aid, meaning CAM International will be able to give even more. Please call the CAM International office on 01772 717830 for a Gift Aid form if you have not already registered one with them (even if you have with CED).