
Tap Twinning initiative in Tanzania

We take our kitchen tap for granted, but not everyone has one. Would you like to join us in our tap twinning initiative in Tanzania? Twin your tap with someone who struggles to find sufficient water every day.

CED is building rainwater tanks for some of the poorest people in Tanzania. The water security provided makes a huge difference to the quality of life of the recipients.

Access to clean water is fundamental to development. The vision of the programme is that whole communities will benefit from having cement tanks collecting rainwater. This will be achieved by:

  • Training masons in each community to build the tanks.
  • Offering small grants to householders to encourage them to install tanks.
  • Offering larger grants to institutions such as schools and churches.
  • Helping the least well-off to have water by providing them with a small tank free of charge.

CED have been building ferrocement tanks for over 25 years. In 2020 we started a project specifically to train tank builders and to build tanks for marginalised people. So far we have run 7 workshops, training over 100 people and have built more than 110 tanks of various sizes.

The project to date has been funded by some generous donations and CED has provided a substantial reserve so that tank building can continue while we wait for additional donations. In the long term the vision is that tap-twinning donations will keep pace with the cost of the grants. CED would remain responsible for administering the overall programme with our partners raising the balance of funds locally and carrying out the work. The goal is a global church to national church ongoing funding stream that will see cement tanks improving people’s lives in more and more villages.

Where are the tanks?

Here are the tanks that have been constructed so far, and more are being added all the time!

Support the project

If you felt you could support the project then the tanks cost:

1,000 litre tank for people with greatest needs:


or £116 if you are able to Gift Aid.

5,000 litre tank for a church or school:


or £232 plus Gift Aid, provides a grant, with the recipient paying the rest of the £430 total cost.

10,000 litre tank for a church or school:


or £320 plus Gift Aid, provides a grant, with the recipient paying the rest of the £570 total cost.

10-day training workshop: £3,000, a proportion of which is paid for by the local partner.

If you would like to help with any of the above, please donate online or contact our treasurer to request bank details. (donations via the website attract a small fee). To receive a free fridge magnet please email our treasurer and include your address so we can send the magnet to you together with a Gift Aid form if you are a UK tax payer.

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