Our Annual Open Day and AGM was held on 9 September 2023 at City Hope Church in Bermondsey.
This was a time to share fellowship, hear about various ongoing projects and plans going forwards. It is always a great chance to meet people face to face and get to know people better and meet new members – this year was no exception.
Our local members put on some great fun and interesting practicals for us, including:
Visiting Galleywall Nature Reserve, a community garden within walking distance of City Hope Church. Here we saw a working composting toilet and a 1000L fero cement tank that had been made by local members, we also had a go at cement rendering. Later we were taken to try a simple forge, heating iron red hot and hammering it to shape, also trying our hand at a foot pedal powered wood turning lathe. In the evening we went to a local pub for a fine meal together, which rounded off the day very well.